Jigsaw Performing Arts is dedicated to developing performance skills, promoting self-expression and building confidence. They run classes in drama, dance and singing for children aged 7-18 years.
By becoming a Jigsaw Performing Arts franchisee not only will you have the right training and equipment from day one, you will benefit from all of the experience and knowledge gained from nearly twenty years’ running top quality performing arts schools.
Jigsaw are celebrating their 20th anniversay, take a look at the accomplishments of various franchises around the country and how you could combine your love for performing and working with children.
The opportunity to run my own business was too good to pass up. I have all the positives of running my own business but with the support network and existing good name of Jigsaw.Michael Twaits - Jigsaw Wimbledon
Rewarding both financially and personally
Small high quality network
Flexible working hours to suit your needs