FemaleFranchise UK Franchises and Business Opportunities For Women
ColourWheel Case Study
ColourWheel Case Study
Vivienne Abbott loved the classes so much that she opened her own ColourWheel Art Class in Reading.
ColourWheel Case Study
Franchise Information
  • BFA Membership Status-
  • UK Years Established6 years
  • Current UK Coverage5%
  • Franchisee Support Staff5
  • Personal Investment Req.£5,000
  • Total Startup Cost£14,995
  • Home-based business locationYes
  • Business to consumer servicesYes
  • Franchisee operates individuallyYes
Next Steps

From Happy Cutomer to ColourWheel Art Class Partner

Viveinne Abbott loved the classes so much she has opened her own art class business and is the ColourWheel Reading, Berkshire partner.

ColourWheel Art Class - Vivienne Abbott"I have a degree in Engineering and a Masters in Environment and Development and have had a successful career working overseas, (mainly in Africa), in the charity and development sector and returned to settle back in the UK recently to be near my family.

I am not sure that I was really looking for a business opportunity but felt that I was not quite ready to retire, I was looking for a change of career - something preferably part time where I would be my own boss and do something I would enjoy. Something 'completely different'!

When I returned from overseas, I decided to take a year or so out and do something for me, something creative! I looked around at arts and craft courses and chose to do a Colour Wheel course in Windsor."

Vivienne loved the Classes

"I loved the ColourWheel Art Course - it was simply the best thing I had done for years! Fellow students said the same thing and after two terms on the course I started thinking that perhaps I could take on a ColourWheel franchise. When I finally contacted and met with Sarah and I realised the level of support I would get I was convinced that this was the right thing for me to do. I could not sell something I do not believe in, but with Colour Wheel I genuinely KNOW how good the product is!

I did not look at other franchises - I chose ColourWheel because I knew from my own experience how good the courses are. I did consult a friend who has considerable experience in franchises and he helped me examine what Colour Wheel was offering. He agreed that it was an ideal opportunity for me, given what I wanted from it."

How did you find the process of setting up your own art class location?

"It has all been pretty straightforward so far and I am getting excellent support on all aspects of the set up and running my business - so far so good!"

Vivienne’s plans for the future

"I am starting with three classes per week and I hope to increase that to at least four classes. I am also interested in working to develop some new products - one day art 'boot camps' in the summer, paint away picnics, or perhaps weekend retreats...."

Find out how you can start your own ColourWheel art classes by clicking below

Starting a Franchise Business in the Middle of a PandemicStarting a Franchise Business in the Middle of a Pandemic

Fleet Franchisee, Clare, joined ColourWheel in August 2020 and talks about starting a franchise in the middle of a pandemic.

New ColourWheel Art Class Location in ReadingNew ColourWheel Art Class Location in Reading

How Vivienne Abbott successfully launched her new ColourWheel Art Class in Reading.

Asia Sharif-Clark is ColourWheel's First International PartnerAsia Sharif-Clark is ColourWheel's First International Partner

Asia Sharif-Clark is paving the way in the USA and she will be holding her ColourWheel art classes in her home town of Raleigh.

Heidi Zhou Is The Romsey & Totton ColourWheel Art Class PartnerHeidi Zhou Is The Romsey & Totton ColourWheel Art Class Partner

Heidi Zhou chose the ColourWheel Art Class franchise as it gave her a business that is flexible which fits around her family commitments.

Introducing Rene Shand from ColourWheel Art Class FranchiseIntroducing Rene Shand from ColourWheel Art Class Franchise

Rene Shand runs her ColourWheel Art Class Franchise in Maidenhead.

What Our Franchisees Say

I would highly recommend buying a ColourWheel Franchise it is a lovely way to spend your day while earning a living.

All the tools for the job, all the support and more. Welcome to a Company whose policy brings art to all. A business success!

I have to say that joining ColourWheel as a franchisee is the best decision I have ever made. I wish I could have started to work with them earlier!

Why Choose Us

One to one support from your dedicated Franchise Manager, making sure you succeed from day one

A cash flow positive business model

A proven business model with process and procedures in place that make it easy to run and great fun to manage

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