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MamaBabyBliss Case Study
MamaBabyBliss Case Study
MamaBabyBliss understand what a big step it is to embark on a new career and they are passionate about supporting you on your journey.
MamaBabyBliss Case Study
Franchise Information
  • BFA Membership Status-
  • UK Years Established12 years
  • Current UK Coverage20%
  • Franchisee Support Staff10
  • Personal Investment Req.£4,750
  • Total Startup Cost£4,750
  • Venue-based business locationYes
  • Business to consumer servicesYes
  • Franchisee operates individuallyYes
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Zoe is a MamaBabyBliss Teacher in the Worcester area

MamaBabyBliss understand what a big step it is to embark on a new career. They are passionate about supporting you on your journey. They keep their training groups very small and only take a limited number of new franchisees a year. They consider themselves to be very fortunate to have teachers who have come from many different backgrounds and fields of work.

MamaBabyBliss - ZoeMeet Zoe – a mummy to two girls and a MamaBabyBliss Teacher in the Worcester area. Here she shares her experience and journey of taking her business from strength to strength.

How long have you been an MamaBabyBliss Teacher?

I started my training with MBB in 2015 when my eldest was around six months old. She came with me to most of the training weekends and I loved how inclusive MBB was – so adaptable to help me around the needs of my baby.

I decided to join MBB because I was made redundant from managing a spa while on maternity leave and decided to retrain so that I could work around my family. I’m so grateful now that I get to drop my children at school and nursery and take the school holidays off. I like being in control of my schedule and self-employment is a great fit for me.

 What was your previous career?

I studied complimentary medicine at Uni and then went on to manage different branches of Neal’s Yard Remedies. I was shop and therapy rooms manager, so I’ve always been in the holistic health and wellness area. Transitioning into teaching yoga, baby massage and hypnobirthing was a natural step.

What made you want to change?

I’d always wanted to work for myself, then being made redundant and becoming a mum gave me the push to feel brave and just go for it… I’ve never looked back!

What attracted you to MamaBabyBliss?

The ethos of supporting mothers, especially focusing on mental wellbeing, seemed like such important work and I knew I wanted to do something that made a difference and that I could feel I was really helping people. I also loved the way the classes flowed from pregnancy up to toddlerhood. I remember being impressed by how the company was very professional and thorough but also incredibly supportive and friendly.

How has your business grown?

My business has grown naturally with me and my family. When both of my babies were little I didn’t want to work too much, so would do a couple of baby classes during the week, and a pregnancy yoga class on a Saturday morning so they could be looked after by their dad. This gave me plenty of time to focus on my family and gradually build up my business. Now six years on I teach around 10 classes a week – a mixture of in person and online classes at different venues. I’ve found the business model means that as my children have grown and started school/nursery, it’s freed up time for me to let the business develop too. I love that I can take my business in any direction and let it fit in with the rest of my life.

How have you managed to balance work and family life?

I think in any job the work life balance can be a challenge when you have children. The benefit for me is that I can choose when I work, take time off for school holidays or any extra things like school nativity or sports day. I love that I can set my own schedule. As the business has grown it obviously takes up more of my time, but luckily the kids have grown too so they are more independent and don’t mind.

How many mums do you support a week?

I usually have around 60-70 mums coming to my classes each week.

Do you feel you have been able to create a sustainable career and income from becoming an MamaBabyBliss Teacher?

Yes, I feel like I have an interesting and fulfilling career and it’s been lovely to see how the income has grown year on year. For part time work it’s a great hourly rate and income.

What do you love most about your work and MamaBabyBliss?

I love making a positive difference to people’s lives. The feedback I get always feels amazing, I love hearing news of babies being born after doing my pregnancy classes and feeling that the mum’s birth experience was positive, they felt empowered and that the techniques I taught them were helpful. It’s always really humbling when mums open up about how much the baby classes helped them during hugely challenging times – when being a new mum can feel isolating, our classes are can be a beacon of light. I also love how supportive MBB is as a company, the teachers are always so supportive and share best practices and ideas of how to build up our businesses.

During the pandemic, Justina, the founder was incredible. She unpicked all of the government guidelines and really helped to be a calming anchor for us all in what felt like a huge storm. I always felt safe and supported that MBB as a company had our (the teachers) backs and were doing so much to help keep us all remain positive.

How have you managed to expand MamaBabyBliss in your area?

One of the mums who came to my classes with babies number one and number two, has recently taken on a franchise in the next area to mine. I’m so excited to have a “team mate” next door. We will both be self-employed but will be able to support each other with marketing, covering classes if needed, putting on special events and talking ideas through. I think this will boost my business even more as two people spreading the MBB message will help us attract even more clients.

How did you find working during COVID?

Everything went straight onto Zoom and surprisingly my numbers didn’t really drop during the lockdowns, I think because the classes still worked well online and provided that social link everyone so desperately needed. My classes were my main social interaction during the lockdowns so they kept me going too. Some of my classes have remained online as some mamas prefer that, most have gone back to in person but it’s so nice having the option and working from home certainly has its time saving benefits!

How do you feel about the future?

I’ve learnt so much over the past six years with MBB. It feels really exciting to think where we all might be in another six years

Find out how you can start your own MamaBabyBliss classes by clicking below

What Our Franchisees Say

The amazing parts of my job include seeing the babies overcome common ailments such as colic and wind and improving their sense of balance, coordination and brain development. Being there for many ‘firsts’ and milestones also make being a pregnancy, baby massage and baby yoga teacher very rewarding.Claire Ruggles, MamaBabyBliss Teacher Nottingham

Although pregnancy and motherhood are amazing it is so incredibly hard at times and I love being being able to support mums and mums-to-be. Also being a MamaBabyBliss Teacher has allowed me to fit work around my family live and spend so much quality time with my girls.Joanna Miller MamaBabyBliss Teacher for Biggleswade

One of the favourite parts of my job of my job is supporting mums from pregnancy and watching them come back to my classes with their little bundle of joy. I am also passionate about mums supporting each other and building friendships in my classes.Hayley Harvey, MamaBabyBliss Teacher for Stevenage

Why Choose Us

Licensees are trained to offer 9 different classes and 2 workshops

The breadth and quality of MamaBabyBliss' offer is unrivalled anywhere in the world.

The training is accredited and validated worldwide by The Holistic Accreditation Board


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